Sunday, December 10, 2006

More postures - kneeling sequence

So now you have done some Sun Salutes, and maybe a few of your favourite postures, and you want to cool down. Or perhaps you want to stretch out your back, shoulders and hips, but don't want anything too strenous - then do the following sequence.

You can build it up by adding postures as you see fit - you can just go to child pose, or keep going to up dog, or anything in between - you choose!

Sit on your heels, feet and knees together (vajrasana)

Inhale, raise the arms and rise to kneeling

Exhale, fold forward for child pose (vajrasana forward bend)
Cat on mat optional - mine just likes to supervise!

Inhale for cat pose (cakravakasana)

Now either go back the way you came or:

Exhale for down dog (adho mukha svanasana)
Inhale for up dog (urdvha mukha svanasana)

Then go back the way you came:
Exhale for down dog
Inhale for cat pose
Exhale, fold forward for child pose
Inhale, raise the arms and rise to kneeling
Sit on your heels, feet and knees together

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