I lieu of a proper post, I am instead going to respond to the get-to-know-you's from Kiki and Kris:
First, Eight Great Things about me:
(well, actually they are just random)
- My inbox is the dead zone for chain mail of any description. These are about the first I have ever responded to.
- I have read an average of a book a week since I was about nine. I am almost 32. That's a lotta books.
- I have found a spelling or grammar error in almost everything I have ever read, and have now had to stop reading the local press because I can't bear the illiteracy. I am just some schmo who makes frequent mistakes, so you can imagine what is going on in those papers.
- In the pre-yoga days, I was sometimes late for work because I would compulsively check whether my front door was locked before leaving. And before going to bed. Living alone in South Africa may have had something to do with that, though.
- When I was 13, one of my parents' friends said I looked Rubenesque. I didn't know what that meant at the time, but now I realize it has always been my fate to be, well, Rubenesque. Pity that's not the fashion any more.
- By the time I was ten, I had moved house 21 times (I think, didn't fact check this with my mom) and I had lived in three countries.
- At 15, I defected from Catholicism in favor of the Methodist Church, but abandoned them when a girl was ostracized for appearing on the back page of the Sunday paper in her very sedate bikini.
- That said, immodesty offends me and I think we would all be happier if we weren't confronted by mass images of women in (basically) their underwear from every billboard and magazine cover.
4 jobs I have held:
- Call-centre sucker
- Recruitment agent
- Researcher
- Yoga Teacher
Not a one. I would rather read than re-watch something I have seen and remember scene for scene.
4 places I have lived:
- Zimbabwe
- Namibia
- South Africa
- UK
Sorry, don't really watch TV, but if forced to choose, I choose the Discovery Channel.
4 places I have been on holiday:
I have a bad case of the travel bug, so:
- South America - Argentina
- Asia - Thailand, Hong Kong, India
- Africa - within SA, Comores, Mozambique, Kenya, Swaziland, Lesotho
- Europe - UK, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain
4 favorite dishes:
- Pasta and tomato sauce, made by Husband
- Oven grilled veg and vegetarian schnitzels
- Dhal soup
- Green and Blacks chocolate! Mmmmm
Like Kris, I try not to go online daily, but I cycle through all the links on my sidebar just about every time I log on!
4 places I would rather be right now:
Nah, here is fine. Although it wouldn't kill me to be in India...
I am meant to tag other people to do this, but, true to my dead zone style with this type of thing, I leave it in your hands: if you want to, do it, and let me know so I can read it!